The trainers at Dogworx Academy have trained and competed at the highest levels in some of the most demanding canine sports and activities. In addition to actively participating with their own dogs, they have helped coach numerous handlers and trainers to high levels of success as well. Our Sportworx training programs are personalized to help you and your dog reach your goals and perform at the peak of your ability. For more information on training for any of the following activities, contact us:
Competitive Obedience
Regardless of the discipline, competition obedience is about precision and details. We can help enhance your relationship and build teamwork between you and your dog.
The "triathlon for working dogs," IPO consists of tracking, obedience and protection phases. The trainers at Dogworx Academy have trained dogs and handlers from the basic level to world competition teams.
A popular and exciting sport in which speed and accuracy are the name of the game. Agility requires handlers and dogs to work together to navigate a variety of challenging obstacles including weave poles, teeter-totters, tunnels, jumps and more. Training for agility can also be a great confidence booster for insecure dogs.
One of the fastest growing K9 sports, Nosework uses dogs' natural hunting instincts and powerful sense of smell to detect and indicate specified odors in containers, interior rooms, exterior areas and vehicles. Open to all breeds and temperaments,
Disc Dogs
From a backyard game for exercise and stimulation to full-on competition or exhibition, we can help teach you and your dog the safe way to learn this fun and exciting activity.
Whether trailing, area search, cadaver search or disaster training, Dogworx Academy can help you and your dog become an effective team for your community.